Teaching Guides

Cover: Extreme Base Jumping

45th Parallel Curriculum Guide

Cover: Behind the Curtain

Behind the Curtain Extended Learning Activity

Cover: Best Quiz Ever

Best Quiz Ever: Activity

Cover: Floored! Supercars

Floored! Supercars - Activity Guide - Draw a Supercar

Cover: How the Heck Does That Work?!

How the Heck Does That Work?!_Activity Guides_Fall 2021

Cover: How the World Celebrates

How the World Celebrates - Activity Guide - Compare and Contrast

Cover: How the World Celebrates

How the World Celebrates - Activity Guide - KWL Chart

Cover: How the World Celebrates

How the World Celebrates - Activity Guide - Summary Chart

Cover: In the Know: Influencers and Trends

In the Know: Influencers and Trends_Activity Guide_Spring 2021

Cover: Stand UP, Speak OUT

Stand UP, Speak OUT Activity Guide

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  • Ann Arbor MI 48104

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